

Unlimited. Open. Free. Liberated. Those are the sentiments seemingly sweeping our nation as of late and they are dovetailing nicely with the brand positioning of mobile provider newcomer, MetroPCS. For years consumers have gotten used to the idea that all mobile network providers are evil because they nickel and dime you with fees. In the past five or so years, however, we've become accustomed to the freedoms of the internet: free tv shows, free music, free socialization, and free information. MetroPCS has successfully capitalized on this consumer expectation in positioning their company as unlimited.

The only thing that is squelching their development: their name and visual identity. Verizon. Sprint. AT&T. T-Mobile. Easy and recognizable names. MetroPCS consists of a much too broad and mobile-unrelated word forced together with an unimpressive acronym resulting in five syllable meaninglessness.

I can deal with the tagline. And I even like the colour palette: it holds its own position against red, yellow, blue and pink despite its limited swatches of purple, lavender and white. But the logo really needs some help. The lightweight type of the PCS makes it stand out as an unmatching addition that you want to cut off from "metro." What is its purpose, anyway? I can't even find out what it stands for -- pretty cheap sh!t? personal communication service? In an already crowded field they really need to refine their brand.

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