This poster by Vuk Vidor embodies what good advertising people do -- make a brand "stand for" a one or two-word something. e.g. Volvo - safe; Sony - style
It is a simple, clear system and allows us to remember a name or brand that would have otherwise vanished into obscurity should similar others try to shout alongside or above it. Perhaps our interest in this paring down of concepts and categorizing just comes down to our limited memory capacity. We are living in the Information Age and thus have little "metanarratives" of data thrown at us constantly without any imaginable end point. PDAs, computer data, email, blog rolls, taxi tv, wild postings, bus ads, radio, t.v., ipod music, etc. We seek out knowledge and knowledge seeks us out. Quite frankly, it's overwhelming and a little scary. But that's going to be the struggle of humanity for the 21st century and beyond. A theme worth exploring through the arts.
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